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Signs for Handshakes


Project duration October 2015 - December 2017

About the project

Youth unemployment is a major issue all over Europe. Young Deaf are especially disadvantaged and are often confronted with considerable barriers to finding vocational training or employment. Signs for Handshakes aimed to improve opportunities for young Deaf people on the labour market.

Goals of the project were:

  • Better job opportunities on the regular job market
  • Promote the use of Sign Language in the workplace
  • Practical tips for companies and organisations
  • Practical tips for communication in the workplace
  • Networking companies with Deaf communities

Deaf Youth Meets Employers Toolkit

Signs for Handshakes focused on companies, organisations and young deaf people. The results of the projects were:

Role Model Portraits and Networking Map: We collected examples of Deaf role models and companies with Deaf employees.

Communication Guidelines and Icebreaker Lexicon: Deaf youth shared their tips and tricks for successful communication in the workplace, as well as important signs that hearing colleagues can use in everyday working life.

Workshops and Handbook: We also developed workshops for companies and provided an overview of relevant service centres for labour market integration.

SIGNS FOR HANDSHAKES was a 27 month European project with partners from Austria, Bulgaria, Slovenia and United Kingdom.

For further information and to view the project results, please visit our website at www.signsforhandshakes.eu or like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/signsforhandshakes.

EU LogoThe European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.has been funded with support from the European Commission