Sign Language Courses
Are you interested in learning Austrian Sign Language?
Do you want to learn this fascinating language for professional or for private use?
Or do you want to improve your existing knowledge of Austrian Sign Language?
We offer:
• Semester courses that take place once a week
• Intensive courses
• Special seminars.
Our courses are taught by deaf trainers in their first language. This means that instruction is in Austrian Sign Language.
Our courses are aimed at people who;
• want to use Austrian Sign Language in their everyday work,
• have contact with deaf people in their daily life, or
• just want to learn a new and exciting language.
You are sure to find the course that suits you best! Just have a look: Sign Language Courses
About Sign Languages
Sign Languages are not the same internationally but in fact, they are different from country to country. As with spoken languages, there are different dialects and levels of language (such as teenage slang).
Sign Languages are only slightly oriented towards the spoken language of the respective country; sentence structure and grammar are very different from spoken language.
These days, Sign Language is no longer the sole domain of deaf people. There are many Sign Language users who are not deaf. In recent years, this group has grown continually as competence in Sign Language has become an important additional qualification. The demand for people who are fluent in Sign Language and for Sign Language interpreters has not yet been met, however.
In Austria, Austrian Sign Language (Österreichische Gebärdensprache - ÖGS) is used. On 1 September 2005, it was recognised by the Austrian Constitution as a language in its own right.