Deaf Climate ACTion

We are starting a new project.
The project is about the environment and climate change.
The environment is our world.
The environment means all natural materials and living things
What is climate change?
Climate is the average weather in a place over many years.
Climate change means there is change in the average weather.
Climate change is happening everywhere in the world.
Activities to protect the environment and stop climate change
must be inclusive and accessible to everyone.
People with disabilities need to have information about our environment and climate change.
This information must be in plain (easy to read) language and Sign Language.
The name of the project is “Deaf Climate ACTion”
We want climate action to be inclusive.
Inclusion means:
All people can participate everywhere.
No person is excluded.
Action means:
doing something to improve society.
We want to work with young deaf people and young people with disabilities.
We are 5 organisations from 5 countries.
The countries are:
Austria, Netherlands, Slovakia, Hungary and Belgium.
We want to help people with disabilities to develop green skills.
What are green skills?
Green skills are knowledge and information about activities to protect our environment.
For example:
What is recycling?
How can I save electricity or water?
We want to prepare information on our environment in different languages
– in plain language and Sign Language.
We want to develop tools.
One of our tools is an app about green issues.
An App is a computer-programme
- for a phone
- for a tablet
- for a computer
We want to develop training materials on green issues.
Trainers working with young deaf people and young people with disabilities can use the materials.
We want to develop a test to find out your carbon footprint.
Carbon dioxide is a gas.
Devices that use energy produce carbon dioxide.
Too much carbon dioxide in the air makes the climate warmer.
My carbon footprint means:
How much carbon I produce throughout my life.
For example:
When I drive a car.
We want to develop accessible green campaigns and campaign guidelines together with young people.
What is a campaign?
Many young people are angry about climate change.
They want to become active.
Becoming active means to do something to try and make a change in our society.
Young active people think that:
Politicians are not doing enough to protect the environment.
They want this to change.
They want to protest about this.
This is a campaign.
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