ASSIST - Adult education in assistive technologies for hearing impaired persons
Project duration: September 2018 - November 2020
The project supports people who work in education, training and service provision for people who are hearing impaired. The project also supports people who have hearing impairments with up-to-date information on assistive aids and assistive technologies.
There have been huge changes and advances in communication technologies and assistive technologies in recent years. These changes directly impact people with hearing impairments and help to reduce barriers within society. In fact, there is such a wide range of assistive technologies available that it is often difficult to know what will suit an individual person best.
Our target groups are people with hearing impairments, and people providing services, assistive products, health advice, education, training and other support for people with hearing impairments.
Our activities include developing an online catalogue, providing detailed information (technical, user feedback, contact information and video material) on assistive devices. We will also develop a methodology for educating people in this field. We will test our methodology by training 240 people from our target groups.
More information:
ASSIST Project
The project partners are Unie neslyších Brno, z.s. in the Czech Republic, Centrum vizualizace a interaktivity vzdelávání, s.r.o., Ostrava, in the Czech Republic, equalizent schulungs-und beratungs, GmbH, Wien, in Austria, Racio, družba za razvoj sloveskega kapitala, d.o.o., Celje, in Slovenia
Project number: 2018-1-CZ01-KA204-048059
ASSIST project information (PDF)
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